Watershed Walks on Warming

Watershed aims to have a visible presence at the second Walk Against Warming city event in support of real action on climate change and to highlight the dangerous consequences of super energy intensive mega-projects like the proposed Wonthaggi desalination...

The EES – A Just Process?

The EES process & terms dictated by ‘the Brumby cartel’ for the Inquiry is the probably the most manipulated time frame for an State imposed project that has occurred in Vic. Such is the repeated observations made by Watershed members to the EES Panel...

Purified Recycled Townwater for Drinking

Very recently (September 2008) the report Purified Recycled Water for Drinking: The Technical Issues was released by the the Queensland Water Commission . Thanks to Stuart Khan of Sydney, New South Wales, for explaining his role in this report and making it easily...

Find an EES submission

All core submissions (pre hearings) & submissions submitted during hearings, are accessible at this odd looking web address which looks like the above pic … you will need to know which number matches which organisation/individual …. or make a request...