
Last season 42 separate whales were sited within 10 kilometres of the desal site (stat decs and photos confirm this). The Government’s EES said there were virtually no whales in the area and it was not significant habitat (the EES said only a couple of whales had visited the area over the last five years).

To build on the data from last season we are launching “WHALE WATCH”, an initiative to get details of as many whales as possible visiting us this season. We will then have good data to see how construction and later operation of the desal plant is effecting these beautiful creatures.

Please click on the image above to get a printable version and distribute wherever you can. Phone in any sightings, even any unusual events that you observe on our coast, we should be able to get photographers and observers down asap.

Further details as to where to drop off forms if you see something and fill one in will follow shortly

Form to record Whale sighting.  Download

Document to help you recognise and identify whale species.  Download